Graduation from preschool or kindergarten gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment. Reward them with a quality, affordable cap and gown set and give them a day they’ll never forget. The Cap and Gown Shop has a full range of children’s cap and gown sets, and our outstanding customer service makes ordering them simple and fast.
We specialize in caps and gowns for preschoolers and kindergarten students needing graduation regalia and accessories.
Why not give them a graduation cap and gown set that shows them how much you care?

Our cap and gown sets are available to individuals, schools, head start programs, church groups, synagogues and homeschoolers. Each preschool graduation set contains a cap (mortarboard), gown, tassel (goes on cap), year charm (goes on tassel) and diploma with space to write the child's name and teacher's name. Cost is just $24.00 per set plus shipping.

Kindergarten Cap and Gown Order Form |